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Golden Lion Painting Competition

All entrants are listed below with their own description and 5 images of the model they submitted.
Voting for the 1st round will start soon. Only 8 will move through to round 2. Once voting starts a link will be posted.
Only those part of our local WhatsApp community will be allowed to vote.
- Shannon Bernhardt.
The model is a Space Marine Terminator Sergeant from Warhammer 40K. I used an Imperial fists colour scheme.
The model was based with Mephiston Red, with Corax Grey Zenithal highlight. I used an airbrush to spray two layers of Imperial Fists Yellow contrast paint. Metal components are painted using NMM in either Gunmetal or Gold – the power sword, the bolter, and the pauldron. The power sword was then painted with a a blue green glaze, made using lamian medium. The Aquila and helmet were painted with GW Mephiston red, and highlighted using Vallejo Bloody Red and Orange.
All yellows were highlighted using a combination of Vallejo Sunflower Yellow and Ice Yellow. I used brown ink in the recesses to create contrast.
The base was made using cork and basing material, base painted with desert yellow, painted with brown ink and then highlighted using a desert yellow and ivory. I then used some Gitadel grass tufts.

- Sander Lampen
Since the kit isn’t available I kitbashed him from a
space marine captain in terminator armour. The system is warhammer 40K.
Techniques I used:
I started with a value sketch, then covered that with a speedpaint.
I drybrushed the cloak and added detailing work across the mini for
bronze highlights.
I detailed the standard and free handed the VULKAN on the banner.
I also tried some glow effects, but it was my first attempt so it did
not go well, in the end I had to layer paints over each effect to bring
them back to the rest of the paint scheme.
The rest of the mini and it’s base uses a lava base scheme with
technical basing. I did this on one pauldron as well.
The lightning effects for the thunder hammer used layering and a few
speedpaints in contrast.
This entry was my first real attempt at painting well, and I’m very
happy with how it turned out.

- Arno Meyer
Model Name: Redemptor Dreadnought (Malkarian 2.0)
GW System: Warhammer 40k
Techniques used: Mostly painting with acrylic using brush over a black base, after base couts were finished used oil paint wash to darken down and add weathering. After the oil wash dried up varnished and did final touch ups. Red glow was made using liquid pigment enamel paint. Made base using cork and wood chips. Painted with base layer, oil paint wash, dry brushed and normal painted detail and finished off with pigment powder and grass tufts.

- Leon Raulstone
– The model name. : Sicaran Battle Tank
– GW system the model is from. : Horus Heresy - The Following techniques had been used.
- Zenithal,
- With a Magenta as primer, and a build up to a bone,
- Using a Green then sprayed over (Karandras Green) to build the 1st green
- A second zenith closer to the edges is then done, using a titanium white ink
- this is followed again by the karandras.
- All metallics and tracks were then done, and then the decals,
- once all the basics were done, then there was the chipping applied all over the model,
- cleanup of chupping, then oils were applied to the model to achieve Grimdark 30k horus heresy,
- After the oils were applied and cleaned, dirt was applied using pigment powders.
- Flurocesnts were used to make the glowing parts of the tank, as well as multiple layers to achieve.

- Michael-James BirkenbachÂ
-Primaris Apothecary
-Warhammer 40k
Started off with a first time air brushing with two coats of white primer, followed by multiple layers on the detailing on the model (leather trim, gun, cloak, phials, purity seals, etc). Blocking in the White armour was left untill last to cover up any miss painting and finally some shading for the recesses to add depth and some drybrushing on the base for weathering. The helmet and head was magnetized for some variety of gameplay. Tried some free handing for my custom company name on the left pauldron as a final touch.

- Waldemar Klazar
Model Name : Bretonnian Duke on Pegasus
GW System : Warhammer – The Old World
Techniques used : In general I used a combination of Army Painter speed paints along with layering certain citadel colours over most of the model. The wings were done by dry brushing with different greys and browns and then a very watered-down layer of Highlord blue from Army Painter for the longer feathers at the wing tips. I used Karak Stone from Citadel to dry brush the feathers on the wings to make the details show up a bit better. I used some Nuln oil on the silver armor to define the joints and create a slight shading in the more recessed areas. I used 3 transfers, 2 on the duke’s shield and 1 on the shield attached to the barding.

- Juan Swanepoel
Model name: Ahzek Ahriman.
Warhammer system: 40 000 (Post fall to Chaos)
Techniques: I started with priming the model in Retributer Armour and the blocking in the blue parts with Thousand Sons Blue, dry-brushing the gold with Liberator gold and the blue with Ahriman blue. Before dry-brushing, I washed all the gold parts in Reikland Flesh shade and the blue parts with Drakenhof nightshade. The cape I painted in Volupus Pink on the outside and Apothecary white on the inside (contrast paints) which were dry-brushed with Pink horror on the outside and Corax white on the inside. All skulls are Corax white, washed in Nuln oil and dry-brushed Corax white again. Horns and smaller skulls are painted in Ushabti bone, washed in Reikland flesh shade and dry-brushed in Sreaming skull. Lastly, the rubies were painted in Evil sunz scarlet and pouches in Doombull brown, drybrushed with Steel legion drab.

- Ewan M. Engelbrecht
Warhammer Age of Sigmar
Stormcast eternals
Knight Vexillor
-primed the model black to make it harder to see missed details.
-using base colors, i worked more quickly just to get the color on
-doing the details, i also used base colors and layers paints
-doing cleanup and fixing mistakes with details
-Putting on the texture paint
-putting on the shade onto the model and the texture paint
-Finally putting model grass on the base and making a black ring on the base

- Estiaan van Der MerweÂ
Model Name: Warhammer 40k Ultramarine Roboute Guilliman
GW System: Warhammer 40k
Technique used: all painting was done by hand with a brush with various paint types/techniques including base, layers, contrast and dry brushing.

- Jan Greyling
Model name:
Prosecutor with Stormcall Javelin
GW system:
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar
Techniques used:
I used standard base, shade and highlight. I wanted to paint the model with the GW citadel fundamentals.
The paints used were base paints consisting of metallic and non-metallic paints.
5 different types of shades for the different colours used in the model.
a technical paint for the wings yellow colour.
Lastly a few gras tuffs to make the base pop a bit.

- Joshua JordaanÂ
The Great Unclean One
Age of Sigmar
Green: Loren Forest (Base), Biel-Tan Green (Wash), Dry Brush: Loren Forest → Elysian Green → Nurgling GreenPink: Screamers Pink (Base), Carroburg Crimson (Wash), Pink Horror (Highlight)Yellow: Averland Sunset (Base), Cassandora Yellow (Wash), Screaming Skull (Highlight)Bone: Rakarth Flesh (Base & Layer), Skeleton Horde (Wash), Screaming Skull (Highlight)Purple: Naggaroth Night (Base), Druchii Violet (Wash), Warpfiend Grey (Highlight)Grey: Mechanicus Standard Grey (Base), Gryph-Charger Grey (Wash), Administratum Grey (Dry Brush)Silver: Iron Warriors (Base & Dry Brush), Agrax Earthshade (Wash)Bronze: Brass Scorpion (Base & Dry Brush), Agrax Earthshade (Wash)Brown: Doombull Brown (Base), Snakebite Leather (Wash), Doorbell Brown (Highlight)Black: Eshin Grey (Base), Agrax Earthshade (Wash), Administratum Grey (Highlight)Dark Blue: Stegadon Scale Green (Base), Drakenhof Nightshade (Wash), Thousand Sons Blue (Highlight)Swamp Base: Warpstone Glow (Base), Nurgle’s Rot (Layer)

- Carel Anthonissen
Model Name: Augustus Feylance (Chapter master of the Frost Giants – Successor Chapter of the Raven Guard )
GW system: Warhammer 40k
1. Primed white
2. Base coated with Temple Guard Blue
3. Dry brushed with Corax White
4. Fists emblems, helmet wreath and power pack icon painted with Blue Horror and washed with Pylar glacier.
5. Dark blue details redone with Temple Guard Blue and washed with Asurmen Blue
6. Eyes painted with Gauss Blaster Green and washed with Hexwraith Flame.
7. White armour and details touched up with Corax White
8. Base painted with Armageddon dust, painted with Corax White and washed with Pylar glacier
7. Tactical rock painted with Agrellan Earth.
9. Full base (including tactical rock) dry brushed with white scar.
10. Rim painted with Gauss Blaster green

- Phillip van Eeden
Belisarius Cawl
Warhammer 40k
Replaced the book he stands on with a skull and moved book to claw.
Primed black, then zenithal light grey.
Used zenithal and a lamp as a guide to add thinned white and white to areas of directional light.
Washed robes with Crusader skin, then Nuclear Sunrise.
Painted metal bits with thinned Rough iron, then thinned Gunmetal. Drybrushed with Red Copper, then True Copper.
Basecoated details with Greedy Gold, then washed with Light Tone.
Washed glow areas with White/Speedpaint Medium mix, highlights with pure white, then Ghillie Dew for green glow and Plasma Bolt for blue glow.
Painted other tubes with Maize Yellow and washed skin and skulls with Bony Matter.
Electric effect on Axe: White wash, White details, then Plasma Bolt.
Various speedpaints on book and added some decals.
Axe shaft is red and purple washes.
Washed with dark tone where necessary and varnished with semi-gloss.
Base built from cork sheets, Citadel Skulls & bushes, Ammo Dry Season Clay, and pigment powders.
All paints used are from Armypainter.

- Alwyn Meerholz
- Angron, Daemon Primarch of Khorne
- Warhammer 40,000
Model Base coated black. The skin was painted with Citadel Khorne red and then gradually layered with Citadel Mephiston Red. Army Painter Pure Red was used as a final layer with a Highlight of Citadel Asteroth Red.
A final wash was done on the skin with Army Painter Dark Red Tone.
The wing’s membrane was painted black and the lightly glazed with Citadel Khorne Red.
Armour and metallics were base coated black. Citadel Skullcrusher brass and Army Painter Weapon Bronze were layered with a highlight of Citadel Retributor Armour.
The world eater badges on the pauldron and back armour were lightly washed with Citadel Nihilakh Oxide.
A wash was done in the armour recesses of Army Painter Dark Tone.

- Willem van der wath
Model name: Warmaster heavy battle titan
Gw system: Adeptus Titanicus
Techniques: Layer, drybrush shade for endoskeleton. Airbrush, shading and volumetric lighting for armour plates.

- Christopher Botha
Model Name: Angron Daemon Primarch Of Khorne
GW system: Warhammer 40k
Techniques: skin was mainly done with dry brushing, wings was a mixture of dry brushing and edge highlighting, through out there was wet blending used on multiple parts

- Jacques Landsberg
Death Korps of Krieg – Zealot Veteran
Warhammer – Kill Team
Hand painted the model with Citadel Paints.
Brushes i used for painting the model was with S,M layer brush to do the layering and S,M base brush i used for doing the base coat on the miniature